
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What a week!

     Wow, have we ever been busy!  Ian's 5th birthday party was on Sunday, with a rainy, wet forecast leading up to it.  We held our breath and hoped for the best, and were rewarded with a cloudy and humid day, but it did not rain for his party.  Whew!  The thought of 20 four and five year olds and parents in our little townhouse was an ugly one.  The kids rode scooters, bikes, played on the equipment, ran, hunted monsters in the trees and were totally convinced they had found dinosaur bones (palm tree fronds!)!  They were a hoot!  I baked cupcakes in ice cream cones.  They were beautiful the evening before, but thanks to humidity had slumped and were pretty soggy by morning.  Sigh.  I frosted at the last minute at the park and added the sprinkles, so at least they looked fine.  The kids didn't complain, but who would?  Cupcakes for 10:00 tea!  Below is Ian opening his birthday presents on Friday before school.  Big time Star Wars fan he is!  Annika got him some new Hot Wheels, Alex a light saber, Mom and Dad the Star Wars Storybook and new Lightning McQueen jammies, and we got several action figures on orders from Baba.  He loves all of it and plays with them EVERY DAY.  I don't know which is worse, Barbie shoes or mini light sabers.  OUCH.

These are his birthday cupcakes (Transformers) and while they were beautiful, they also tasted fantastic! One of the moms at school does this as a home business.  I was happy to have her provide them as I was teaching all week!

The kids mostly have on their sport day uniforms here too!  He got to pass them out and they kids enjoyed them on the front deck during second break.  I was able to swap duties with another teacher and scoot down to take a few pictures.  Ian's right in the middle looking at the teacher's hands.
     Alex is nearly done with swimming this year!  She is at the front of her training lane and hopes to start term 4 in the next highest group.  We hope so too Alex!  She had a great club meet Friday night nearly matching her personal best in 2 strokes.  Awesome!  The last Friday night swim is this week, the age championships are Saturday night, and the awards and recognition night is Wednesday.  Hooray!  Now on to Aerofit!
     Annika is doing amazing in her aerofit classes.  She is bubbling with enthusiasm and is learning the steps and moves so well!  She shows them to us all. the. time. and can hardly wait to perform with a group.  I understand there are some low key performances in May to prep those going to the real competitions in June and July.  It will be fun to see her on stage!
     I have been working at Camp Hill in the third grade and will be finishing the term, so until the end of March and then 2 weeks off for term/Easter Break.  It has been a ton of fun working with the younger kids since my teaching career has been grades 5-8.  I so miss the discipline program we used in Wenatchee and am exhausted with trying to herd these reluctant cats in the same direction!  But they are finally settling into my way of doing things, which is nice.  We can end the term on a positive note that way!  I have been asked to cover a leave for all of 4th term and possibly carry over to the 2013 school year already as well.  Apparently they are impressed with how smoothly the transition has been-I have to laugh because this is how it just needs to be!  Taking duty rotations, covering communications home, working with the grade level teachers to plan the rest of term, this is being a professional teacher and this place pays well to be a professional.  My favorite part is the student council coming down to help get the golden tickets organized for the popsicles they earn for them!  I get to see Alex and her friends during the break time they do this part of their job.  She isn't even too embarrassed to see me!
     After spiders, this little guy was a fun catch.  Ian shrieked like a little girl when he saw it in the upstairs bathroom and it took 3 days to finally corner it on the stairs Sunday night.

So, an eventful week.  Plenty to talk about next week with birthday parties for friends and the final swim weekend!  Love you all!

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