
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Yes Daddy, I'm doing my blog now!

     So, slacked off just a bit this last week.  My dad called me on in Saturday morning.  Yes, I do let things go once in awhile.  As long as the laundry and dishes are kept up, life can continue though!  Looks like you'll have 2 blogs to read this week!
     Last weekend we had tickets to go into town and see Annie.  It was fabulous!  All of the kids stayed awake through the whole thing and for the ride home on the train as well.  As expected, it was nearly midnight by the time everyone was tucked in, and we paid for it all weekend. . . and a good part of this week as well!  Everyone has a low key virus with a runny nose and some coughing.  Ick.  Welcome Winter!  Here are some pics of us on the train!  Don't the boys look especially handsome!

     No one slept in the next day (at least the kids didn't so neither did we) but a short nap was taken by Ian.  We went to the park and enjoyed the glorious weather-mid 70's and clear blue skies with a light breeze.  The kids took their bikes, and Annika FINALLY is up on 2 wheels and riding away!  Ian pedaled his yellow bike with training wheels and is thinking he may love it now too.  This park as a great fitness circle that the kids love to ride around and around and around. . .

     Monday was the Labor Day holiday here as well this last week.  It was nice having yet another beautiful day to play in the sun!  Back to the park and more biking and running for everyone.  We also nearly got peed on by a koala!  Nothing like pee raining down from the tree just meters from where you are sitting.  Certainly got everyone's attention!
      Happy Mother's Day today to all my favourite Mums as well!  Alex and I spent the day down in Ormiston for the school aerobics state preliminaries.  Left the house dressed and ready by 7 am and home about 2.  It was a LONG morning.  Her team was the very first on stage for the day and they did a great job.  Here are some still shots of Alex and her team.  Every team Camp Hill sent in all categories qualified for the state based on points.  They will have copious notes to consider from the judges before the state meet next month.  We will be in the USA during the state meet, so unfortunately Alex will miss this, but if they go to nationals, we'll be going to Sydney in August.  Whee!

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