
Sunday, April 7, 2013


Have to let the kids rest up to recover from their fun at the Gold Coast last weekend.  They have been lazing around, course so have I!  Annika and I got our eye checkups done.  She no longer needs to wear glasses!  She's happy about that.  I'll be getting a refill on my contacts and I think I picked up an eye infection there as well.  Good thing we have eyedrops for pink eye.  They come in handy!

Decided we need to sort through the boxes in the garage after our 6 legged friends were discovered.  Did just 2 yesterday-bathroom towels and my "winter" clothes.  Found silverfish in the clothes.  Sigh.  Launder and it is all getting hung up inside.  On the helpful side, I'll have my long sleeved stuff for winter here, and won't have to swipe Alex's denim jacket!  We'll tackle a few each weekend until resorted, packed, donated, etc.

Took Annika into the regular doctor as well.  She's had a persistent cough.  It is a very mild lung infection-not bronchitis, pneumonia, or asthma, which is good.  Inhaler and antibiotics are clearing her up nicely!

Alex has been spending time with her friends who are at different schools this week.  She also got to do her first visit with the girls to the local mall.  One of the other moms was in the building-the girls tried on dresses, ate ice cream, and giggled.  Lots.

We have several playdates this week!  Tomorrow for Ian's class, Tuesday Annika has a friend coming over, and Friday we are meeting several of the mom's I hang out with on the P&C for a long day at a great park about 1/2 hour from here.  Very worth the drive-I'll have to take pics so you can see why!  Huge slides and walls to climb, net climbs, flying fox (ziplines) to ride on, and lovely broad sidewalks to ride bikes and scooters.  Betting I'll get to host an evening for Alex's friends as well-nice group of girls!

Lyle's working out of town only 3 days this week!  Minor miracle!  We are also going to Bunnings (like Home Depot) for light bulbs and lawn care stuff.  Thinking we will need to get an electric weed eater (call them whipper snippers here!!) and a rake.  The grass here is either really thick, or grows these super thin stalks the mover won't cut.

Have to run and pick up Alex!  Love you all!  Happy Birthday to you Dad!

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