
Thursday, July 28, 2011

What a difference a week makes!

So, today was yet another whirlwind day!  The kids are thinking this is the new normal, and so am I.  Everyone tells us that 6 months here and we won't be able to imagine anything else, and I believe it.  Today's accomplishments-went to the kids' new school, Camp Hill Infant and Primary school!  Girls are outfitted with their uniforms both everyday and sport (PE day).  We need to buy black trainers (tennis shoes) and navy socks this weekend to complete the sets.  They look adorable!  Pictures soon!  Ian was so ticked he didn't get a uniform too!  Next year buddy-he starts Prep (Kindergarten) in January/February when the next school year starts.  Paperwork for school enrollment-done!  Alex's EpiPen and benedryl will go in for Monday as well.  They don't require a doctor visit and approval as she already has the EpiPen, and I can create her medical plan online-sweet!  Kids will start there on Monday.

Second accomplishment is that we bought a car today!  It is a Nissan X-Trail, 2007.  Very similar to a Nissan XTerra in the states and feels a lot like our Jeep Grand Cherokee.  We like it!  It even has a hitch on it (should have kept the bike rack with us Dad-it fits the one we had!!)  I did the test drives, Lyle took point for the price haggling.  He did great.  We're having the RACQ (kind of like AAA on steroids) do an independent inspection and are hoping that the wire transfer I put in 2 days ago goes through tomorrow!  They'll wait as we put a deposit on the car anyway.

So, tomorrow.  We sign the lease on the house at 9 am, do the condition inspection with our relocation agent at 10, Lyle needs to be back to work at 11 (we'll see how close we get) and I am hoping to get a check from the bank for the car as well.  This weekend, appliance shopping for the house-a fridge, washer, dryer, and microwave.  Hope they can deliver on Monday!  We have rental furniture coming early next week as well to tide us over until the stuff comes from the states.  Good news there as well-we may have on September 1!  Just got a tentative schedule on the email today.  We also hope to get an internet connection of our own started-would be nice to Skype family and take them on a tour of our place via the laptop!

Love and miss you all!

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