
Monday, May 5, 2014

It's Been Awhile!

Well, hello there!
It has been awhile.  I noted that my last post was before Christmas-a bit of time has passed, yes?

Winter in Carlsbad was quite nice.  A few flurries of snow, a couple of delay days, so nothing serious.  I understand some years it can be quite bad.  Bad being relative of course!  It is now hot and heavy into spring and early summer weather.  Forecast for today is 95 degrees and even hotter tomorrow!  Later this week, it will cool off to the low 80's again.  Bliss!

First, I have to say that I have NEVER seen so many trucks in all my life.  It seems everyone here owns a truck, or several.  High School kids drive 250 turbo diesel jack ups-and that's just the girls!  The boys are worse ;-)  Whatever happened to a nice sports car?  Oh, yes!  They have those too-Dodge Chargers are the sporty car of choice.  So many of them, but they don't come close to rivaling the truck as God here.

Gophers are the biggest pain in the butt right now.  They are trying to take over the buffalo grass yard we have.  I love buffalo grass-takes very little water and grows nice and low.  The gophers love its deep and thick root system.  I have become somewhat expert and finding the tunnels and dropping a product called a gopher gasser into them.  Think small flares that put out a lot of noxious smoke that is SUPPOSED to kill the rodent.  I don't think any of mine have died from this. Evidence being the gasser evicted from said underground tunnel in the next dirt pile that shows up!  (I'm stocking up on the colored smoke bombs at the firework stands this summer-they do the same thing and a lot cheaper!!)  We've tried castor oil pellets spread about as well.  The grass likes them and the underlying smell of fish certainly adds an ambience to a warm afternoon!  At this point I'm wishing we had a half starved outdoor cat or our ferrets to turn loose in the tunnels for an afternoon romp!  Perhaps a dachshund puppy?  I hear gophers don't like dogs and these ones could go after them as well!  I could pack their tunnels with poo-bet they wouldn't like that either!

We are going to do the next best thing-get a puppy!  Her name is Amber and she comes home on Alex's birthday this month.  We went up to Taos to meet her and her "family" and are getting so dang excited!  She is 3/4 poodle and 1/4 golden retriever.  Her coat is super wavy, not poodle curly.  Color is described as apricot.  I see it as blonde with overtones of strawberry!  She will need haircuts periodically as she does not really shed-which is why we wanted her.  Our everlasting thanks to Rick and Jill, or neighbors in Wenatchee, who let us have Happy, their soft coated wheaten terrier, when they were out of town.  Well mannered, didn't shed, affectionate, everything you want in a family dog.  While we didn't get a wheaten, we found a dog who looks a lot like him!

So, only 2 1/2 weeks of school left for us this year.  I survived, the kids survived, so good all around.  Ian is progressing well with his reading-yay! and looking for 2nd grade next, Alex is looking forward to the high school next year, and Annika, our almost 4th grader, is trying out for the talent show tomorrow with a friend.  We have amazing kids!

I'll try and be better with blogging again-but with a full time schedule and these kids and their activities to keep up with-oy!  Good thing Alex gets a driver license in about 2 years!

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