OK, so didn't get everything done on my list for today, but excepting for number 5, the rest are ticked off! We'll pay for the furniture rental tomorrow AND transfer several bags to the new house. We will check out of here on Thursday morning and finally be in our place-with furniture! Love, Love, Love the Nissan and feel much more confident driving as it sets me up a bit more off the road than the Lancer did. Managed to drive right to the carpark for the rental drop off downtown! Ka Ching!
The girls are loving school, but both saying it is too easy. I know the first week everyone is feeling each other out, and they are technically finishing up the school year again, so I am not too worried. They are making friends and happy. That is all that matters right now!
Have a mobile broadband USB for the computer to tide us over from the hotel access to home access. Wish I knew about these earlier as they would have been much cheaper AND more useful as we gear up to travel around the country a bit! Lesson learned. Those lessons will be a whole post, or series later on!
The girls are loving school, but both saying it is too easy. I know the first week everyone is feeling each other out, and they are technically finishing up the school year again, so I am not too worried. They are making friends and happy. That is all that matters right now!
Have a mobile broadband USB for the computer to tide us over from the hotel access to home access. Wish I knew about these earlier as they would have been much cheaper AND more useful as we gear up to travel around the country a bit! Lesson learned. Those lessons will be a whole post, or series later on!
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