
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Reality check

Seems like we are right on schedule for a reality check. I've been blue and teary all week. Been greeting Lyle after work with tears, snot, the whole package. Definitely not the usual me! Reflecting on this all though, it's going swimmingly. It's been about 6 weeks, and that's about when vacation feelings end and the desire for old routines surfaces. We're not talking about a gentle rise for a puff of fresh air either, a full scale Blue Whale out of the water breach that rocks everything. So, yesterday was the end of it. I'm done with the blues, at least until the next scheduled happening!
With the return of our Internet connection we can visit with family once more. We Skyped mom and dad and I've used the Vonage to call as well. Had a nice long talk with Gene and Louise this morning and it was so nice to hear their voices. We also called grandma Claudia before going to school-heaven! Meg called during her 3am lunch break last night so at least we can talk to her on a normal evening. I know we are going to use the phone a lot!
Some good news on the house selling front as well. I sent back the offer signed and accepted, so hope that progresses to closing. There were 2 families interested, so they each gave us good offers and we took the best one. I think that is what really made the blues hit so hard-the house was the last physical tie to Wenatchee, and we loved the house, neighbors, kids schools. You know how hard it is to leave something you really love. . .
Annika will be going to a birthday party this Saturday and Lyle will be trying a run too. He did "something" to his calf last week-pulled his run up short and walked it back. He seems to be much better-he'd better heal fast as he has a 10 k Bridge to Brisbane in the next couple of weeks! So, we have not decided on an adventure for the weekend. The weather is going to be rainy and windy most of the weekend, so we'll see what we end up doing.
Several big breaths, chocolate, and a nice glass of wine tonight. All better! Also on the all better bit, I have continued to shed some extra weight. Not really sure how much as the scale is in the container, but none of the pants I brought fit anymore! Stress and anxiety are at least good for something.

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