
Sunday, March 10, 2013

That Yellow Orb in the Sky?

It's called the SUN and it has been out more than hidden by rain clouds this week!  Wahoo!  Temps are hitting 80 most days with early morning and afternoon showers (of course most hit at school pick up-Murphy works really well in Australia too) that are more typical of summer here.  The temps are actually a bit low, but I will not complain about that at all!  As of March 1 we are officially in Autumn, but mother nature is slow to get the hints.

Busy week this week.  The P & C (AUS version of the PTA) is doing their Easter Raffle.  Yep,  you can call a religious holiday by it's real name here.  No Spring Raffle when it is going to happen right before the EASTER holiday school break!  There has been plenty of drama about it though.  I get the feeling there is always drama to some extent, but this has gotten to "have a beer and laugh about it" proportions.  The Executive board resigned a month before their terms were really up-I think they were supposed to go out in April and jumped the gun.  Needless to say, no one was at the meeting where this happened to be elected into the vacant positions.  The board was then informed they cannot vacate the positions as the After School Care group, by law, HAS to have a board to report to.  Nice Try Guys!  At any rate, the raffle is back on track.  I floated the idea last year to try a theme basket raffle, similar to what Washington Elementary does in Wenatchee for silent auction time.  Every class picks a theme and then contributes items to make a nice prize.  Just so you know, I volunteered to coordinate with the staff, P&C, and make sure it all came together last year.  I was told they would get back to me as they needed to think it over-new idea and all.  No one ever got back to me, so the next thing the fundraising team knows we are getting an email from the coordinator asking if we should cancel the thing since nothing is happening!  Needless to say, I was pissed and let her know-nicely.  And replied all on the email.  Ha!

Raffle is coming together nicely now.  Amazing what the ladies can do when we know something needs to get done!

Ian's birthday is Saturday!  Big 6!  The pirate party will be a hit I am sure.  We will take pictures and get some up next week.

Ian and I have been hit with a bug the last few days.  Yuck!  He had to miss swimming Saturday morning and the school disco Saturday night.  Annika had a great time, but came and told me 10 minutes before it was over that she was tired and wanted to go home.  Wow!  She went right to bed and crashed out in seconds.

Lyle is working 4 days in Newcastle as the 2 weeks on 1 week in the office never did pan out.  The week at home turned into 2 days down there and 1 day up in Gladstone.  So, plan B.  He has now traveled 7 weeks straight as I will not count the off week that didn't happen as a home week.  The next several weeks look to be the same, but having him home on Thursday evening was such a nice change!  It makes Friday night much easier to know he will be home to take Ian and relax with him while the girls and I hit the pool for swim club.  Only 2 more weeks of swimming to go!

I'm working all 5 days this week (as long as no one else gets this bug!) in grade 4, 4/5 combined, and grade 1-2 special ed.  Pam was able to get me a 1 week contract since I am working all days at 1 school, which is appreciated as it adds a bit to my pay as well.

We also bought tickets to go home and visit family!  We are skipping the Vancouver/Portland legs this year as that added 3 days of driving and the kids really want/need to see their grandparents.  Lyle's dad is in a rehab facility right now recovering from an infection.  We hope to know more after he sees a neurologist this week about what is going on and when he can be transitioned home.  Alex really wants to go to the gun range with Baba and try out more shotguns and Ian wants to see his shotgun in action.  We also have to test out the new camper and hope to get up to Grandjean for a fews days.  Thinking the grandparents can take the kids, and Lyle and I will take a tent to the other side of the campground?  If you must know the dates, send me an email, FB message, or give my dad a call.  We are super looking forward to going home for a couple of weeks!

Love you all!

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